Notte silenziosa
Vorrei poter vedere quello che è racchiuso in te
In quei tuoi silenzi persi nella fredda e quieta oscurità
Sentire il tuo affanno della vita
Il tuo esprimere nel silenzio
Vorrei poter essere lì per te in ogni modo
In ogni istante
Vorrei permetterti di chiamarmi ad ogni tuo sospiro
Eccomi apparire ad ogni tuo gesto
E capire quel che tu hai in te
Per me
Per te
Per la preziosità della tua dolce essenza
In quei tuoi silenzi persi nella fredda e quieta oscurità
Sentire il tuo affanno della vita
Il tuo esprimere nel silenzio
Vorrei poter essere lì per te in ogni modo
In ogni istante
Vorrei permetterti di chiamarmi ad ogni tuo sospiro
Eccomi apparire ad ogni tuo gesto
E capire quel che tu hai in te
Per me
Per te
Per la preziosità della tua dolce essenza
Hey BUzz...
Somehow I landed on your blog when scowering the net for french kissing technique related information, and your post 'Notte silenziosa' grabbed me so I stopped to read. Now I'm glad I found you because I'm trying to improve my site about french kissing technique (don't blush :) and your blog here gave me some excellent ideas. BUzz you are a quality blogger and I'm learning some good stuff by being here.
Keep your rhythm and good content flowin ~ and good job BUzz.
Hi BUzz,
My excitement grows as I read more of what you have here...
I'm a little embarrassed to say it but when was out looking for french kissing information I found your post: Notte silenziosa and had to stop for a read. I sicerely appreciate you blog topic... I'm considering making a blog about french kissing and I should probably stop by here more often to watch how you do this great job.. I always love looking through other poeples blogs and reading the posts (especially yours!) I don't know if you like other blogs or want to check out mine, but I think you've done a quality job.
It's great to be here on your blog, thanks.
Okay BUzz, I don't know if you can help me, but I think maybe you will understand. I see all this crazy blog spam everywhere (I see some here) and I'm wondering if you know how we can stop it. I just have a site about making out, and I can't even go find information on making out without having to filter through all the junk. My blog gets totally bombarded with this rediculously spam. I hope you're not as frustrated as my self. Anyway, good luck with your blog, and let me know if you have any ideas...
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